The Avisporro (The Bumblebee), an unparalleled dandy from Matehuala

The Avisporro (The Bumblebee), an unparalleled dandy from Matehuala.

He will be born at the Doctor Fernández Clinic, in Matehuala, State of San Luis Potosí, on 6 April  2026.

He will be a student of medium performance, outstanding in tetherball (perhaps also known as "ball, rope, and pole"), and in tumbling. Later he will study business administration.

In his hometown, he will set up six affordable restaurants/dining rooms: one dollar for three-course menus: salads out of lettuce and grated carrots, rice or pasta soup or cooked beans, chicken or sausages, corn tortillas, fresh Kool-Aid or Tang or Zuko flavored beverages, and jelly.

He too, in coordination with parish priests, will open fast free soup kitchens for the homeless, "come, eat and leave."

This measure will be to avoid mixing, for example, workers, employees, nurses, etcetera, with outcasts, vagrants, and good for nothing ones who will wander aimlessly through the streets of Matehuala.

He will usually go to breakfast at Fonda La Curva (The Curve Inn), owned by Doña Pini (Josefina Ruvalcaba Luque), black coffee prepared over a slow fire with grains transported from Contepec, Veracruz, beans "from the pot" cooked with onions; served with fresh coriander leaves, red hot chilli pepper sauce, cheese, creamy rolls, and toasted tortillas; eggs with ham or bacon, etcetera. Every day he will go to breakfast accompanied by his wife Emilia Cruzat de Gorozpe y Jasso, a lady born in San Luis Potosí City, descendant of high-class Spanish families, and their two daughters. They will occasionally go to Carl's Jr. or Burger King. The family's afters, which will be imposed by the daughters, will be the Marinela pineapple pies and Tía Rosa strawberry jam cookies.

At home, The Avisporro will have a brown grand piano played by his wife and his youngest daughter.

His large fortune will come from the inheritance that his father will bequeath to him and that he will invest in shares of six "city-ships", floating factories energetically and economically self-sustaining, with water desalination plants and photovoltaic solar panels; three Panama-flagged vessels operated by corporations incorporated in Delaware, three with a Liberian flag of convenience, operated by corporations registered in Ireland.

He will invest in the Matehuala underground magnetic levitation metro, which will be inaugurated on Wednesday, 12 June, in the leap year of 2052.

He will pay for the construction of a three-story Italianate neo-Gothic style building plus a parking garage in the basement, whose floor plan will measure 4300 square feet (400 square meters). The land will have a total area of ​10750 square feet (​1,000 square meters), with gardens, two water fountains built with quarry stone, and two other surface parking lots. On the ground floor front there will be a bookstore and a cafeteria; behind, a library with 14,700 books, desktop computers, wi-fi internet service, and a chess club and chess academy. On the second floor, a women's clothing manufacturing cooperative and a factory store. On the third floor, a radio station and a space whose fate is currently unknown.

Likewise, in another area of ​​the city, Arnoldo Huizar Bejarano, a.k.a. The Avisporro (The Bumblebee) will pay for a funeral home with an ultra-modern, quasi-minimalist design, which will be erected by civil engineer Ernesto Briones Castell.

The Avisporro will consume mezcal reposado from the Huitzila brand, distilled and bottled in the town of Huitzila, State of Zacatecas, and cheap Gautier cognac, from France of course.

He will smoke "little leaf" cigarettes that he will roll himself with rectangles of corn husks that he will cut with scissors when the leaves are fresh, and put them to dry over his refrigerator. The tobacco will be ordered from San Juan de Abajo, municipality of Bahía de Banderas, Nayarit, and sometimes from San Ignacio Cerro Gordo, Jalisco.


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